Thursday 12 September 2024


 When you are this THISSSSS hiiiiiiigh on him like there’s this constant buzzzzzzzzz in you all things him!!!!!!

It’s the waaaaaays he has been coming lately and this beauuuuuty of some realisations how you just loooooooved him smiling too or just walking into a room!!!!!

Like you’ve been that big of a fan of him ever since day 1 actually!!!!!!

This beauuuuuuuty of a him coming like this one and you wake up with this zzzzzzzzzzz in you like you can’t decsicrbe possible this feeeeel in words or some statement to exactly tell what this feeels like this!!!!!!

With Saturday shoot this planning organizing model taking days off even before fittings causing chaos more and amidst all this you are there smiiiiiling away to eternity I say cause no matter how many times you just cantttttt contain the excitement like it’s different it’s madness it’s what happiness with madness with calmness also with hyperness also with ecstasy feeeels like!!!!!!

Like your mind feeeels like one washing machine right now tooooo many feeeels swirling mixing vibin away with each other but with one constant topic amidst all HIM!!!!!!

I loooooooooove him charlie every bit of him any bit of him anything at all just the whole of HIM absolute love of my LIFE I say!!!!!!!

To this rush to this need to just in the workout post dance post feeeels and this beauuuuty of his enriqu every single time the waaaaays it brings back him in Bangalore missing vibes to know to feeel what it’s like to miss him newly differently more on this tonight it’s that beauuuuuuuty of some music…..the way it brings back loving him in different ways be it even in that bakery sitting there he parks the car walks into the bakery as he had asked you to go in with mango first…..and you stand there waiting for him only after he walks in you go sit somewhere and the second he walks in smiles at you goes to the counter to check things and you living that beauuuuuuty of him away just watching him talk chuckle away at something ayyyaaaaaaa to live him and this wasn’t just one time anytime anywhere at malls window shopping your eyes that fan girling away to his presence!!!!!!

That viiiiiibe of his complete self suchaaaaaaa moooooood!!!!!!

It’s a different viiiibe today in your head this feeeeel right now tooooo ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one bunch of Him everything anything LOOOOVE I say!!!!!!!!!

Can’t just contain this something rushing buzzzzzzing through you and howeeeeeeee you misssss him today like today’s missing heiiiiiiights!!!!!!

Waaaaay tooooo much missing!!!!!!!!!

How easy it was to bunk school away then when not wanting to having to work tho you love but this mooooooood this mind today just not UP FOR IT I saaay!!!!!!!

This buuuuzzzzzzzzzz of him aaaaj tho!!!!!!!

Chippyyyy how only you are being missed away if you only had the sliiiiiiiiiiightest idea miyaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!

Face happy eyes happy mind heart body soul happy and yet misssssing him awaaaaay it’s different today very very different!!!!   

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