Friday 13 September 2024


 No matter how many times you live some moments or even write out this feeeeeeeeel!!!!!

It’s a early morning shoot working on last minute reel theme work picture work moodboard and minute details with this music playing and this need to live him for a bit beech beech mein and this one khushiii I swear charlie……

There are a godbillion people in the world but in the whole crowd there’s that one face you find meet connect live love that makes you feel like no other face in the crowd…that moment of even fractionth smile it brings you from the inside is beyooooond anything you’d ever felt lived like…

It’s the waaaaaaaaays it makes you feel regardless of absence or presence it’s your heart that knows how why this one makes you feel the way nothing else prolly does or could…

It’s this beauuuuuty of some moments as simple as this that make you realise things all over again and be grateful for it…

Grateful for that one face in the crowd, world for you…!

Kittuuuuuuu kittuuuuuuuuu only even in that picture of him holding baby ringo away ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaa how you wanna slip through there I swear…….that one feeel I say!!!!!!

Even the last time he spoke with you over that chat he mentioned bout you finding somebody cause he knows how much you loved being loved…if he only knew it’s not never bout being loved it was always bout him loving you to love him, just to love Him…and be loved by Him!!

It’s thqt feeeeeeeel even when he sent that to hold his collar hold his face away and tell him it’s him it’s always been Him and bout Him!!!!!!!!!

It’s like that one wordless urge you get of suduebdneidbcodlebsyvsjdbd something like this to make someone understand that you can’t possibly define our same same vibe that day too!!!!!!

It’s that urge to say scream out your lungs and tell them it’s not being loved it’s bout being loved by them and most importantly to love them…

It’s this thing you do sometimes when you miss him too much like now even between work sit for a bit and talk to his pictures away……absolute madness I know but it somehow in some weird way helps for the moment!!

Like you know phewwwww told him kinda weird logic like seconds back to his that picture that you would’ve looooooved to frame up I say!!!!!!

Some nights like these…!

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