Tuesday 3 September 2024

Lil doses!!

 Somethings no matter how many times live the moment it feels the same bringing that fataaaak smile on your face…

Like you are loving your work lately again something he had said back then……there’s a lot of work lately with interior changes and stuff and you’ have this tak one constant smile on your face and keep touching the wood away saying touch wood just causeeeeeee…….

Lil doses of happiness charlie lilst ones those choryed moments of middle of wirkk sneaking away to your corner to justttttt live him away for a bit….cause it’s beeen yeaaaaars of trying to find someone or the others phone to just get a glimpse of him like FOR YEARS now…now to be be able to live him from your own account feels different hits differently…

To this recent something again very random very lil but it’s your dose of lil magic again……like all the cars now suddenly over a week or so are just 2277 2727 2772 7722 1072 like any combination al you see is a car with these numbers…..and this one page that mentioned bout universal signs that we are all surrounded with we just need to notice them and these signs are in numbers that you are close to like your fav number that you most connect with or a name that’s closest to you or some color and that’s your sign that you are on right path kinda logic…..

But you don’t really delve too deep into these logics as long as it makes you happy thinking of him bringing that peace in your moemnt makes you feel his presence that’s all there is to it….

It’s that beauty of al these years of finding him in moments in his absence and filling it up away!!

Like today checking multiple fabrics to try things and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay the boondein song plays as it’s raining out…and the sales staff asking for something showing the fabric swatches and you are zoooooop bolke zoned out like all the sound except for the track goes numb on your ears…

It’s just him and the sound of music rushing through you…

Happiness is not having evrythung or finding it all away it’s in the lilst of moments that makes you feel something that makes you come alive and you are in your utmost complete self feeeeeling that moment away like you know really living it away as you breathe…you just knowwww when you find that lil dose of happiness with that transition in you…

Auyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one adoooooooooorable gorgeousness of him I say…

Be it that ring magic trick video that him singing away and everytime you go ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa howleeeeeeeeee khaaaaaa jaaanaaaaa terku pakad ke or that one that his sister had tagged him in some random restaurant in Bombay and somebody talking to him and he has that typical expression of his when somebody is bullshitting away and he has that smile with that smirk on him and he nods away ayyyaaaaaaa…..how you miss living those versions of him awaaaaay!!!!!!!!

The sound of him the nod of him the smiiiileeeeeee of him, am telling you charlie his ultimate fan ever!!!! 

And this one time his sister telling you the same bout she loved doing anything he did like style wise choice wise copying anything he did and as she was sharing it that one smiliiiing away on the inside auyaaaaaaaa same dittoooo!!!!!

There is that part of you that WANTS to be him on some days like you know collar like his style standing in the lift his style white shoes his style back stretch his style shoulder movement whilst watching movie his style……random things like this again not intentionally it just is you now with time…

Something’s nai!!!!!!!

This beauuuuuuty of these lil sparks of happiness…!

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