Sunday 8 September 2024


 How does writing out make you feel it all the more deeeeply away!!!!!!!

Like reliving the moemnt in your head hits different but it’s all when you write out his every detail the waaay he looked in that moment the waaaaay he stared at you or that nod of his and now your mind is in a xomoleyelyyyy different zone like you just can’t feeeel see beyond that one moment with him…

Or is it the nights the beUuuuuty of some hours when it’s just you and all that you geeel away think away live away like it all just flows and howwweee…….

Opera THE place lived a zillion versions of him ayyaaaaa and looooooved each one of them asayyyy!!!!!!

It’s the waaaaay he would suddenly pause and just feeeel you away just by looking you in the eye not a smile just that one something expression on him and living you that way for a bit and then diiiive away to your side…

Today as the dermat checks the skin and says bout how sensitive it was to fragrance and even metal and just sit there as she shows examples on her ipad and one picture being that of a color of love and that instantttttttt it’s all him in that one second……..

Where he literally stops you on the stairs of back then big bazar at nachrma just soooo he could see his mark on you under the light……asking you in ishaara to move your dupata away just so he could see it on you you should seeeee him charlie in moments like these like the waaaaaaay he looks all of him in moments like these like that extra bit of more beautiful that extra bit of more passionate that extra bit of something more like everything around him just stood still paused all you could seeee feeeeel live looooooove was that beauuuuuty of him……

The way he keeps asking you he had a reason to smile away and feel happy about his darkest mark on you but why you were you smiling away looking at him…..

It’s that feeeeeeeel charlie when you live a moment and you realise that reality of your life again yet again I love HIM!!!!!

All over again kinda realisational hit it used to be!!!!!

Be it then or now reliving that moment of him his face his expression from that moment and that same realisation again I looooooooove HIM!!!!!!!!!

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