Sunday 11 September 2022

To love...!

 The music the visuals the way she just looked in the movie the vibe of the movie and after a very long time where you could experience that charm and beauty of cinema in the best way and wholesome way there was a time of mani ratnam movies and after that if any movie managed to come even close to that beauty of making a film it's been this...

Like from that movie to this series now and no wonder that passion of his for films how the brain can actually create something this beautiful and make someone experience something feel something is beautiful.....the way he used to talk bout making films and the motive of it to not just tell a story but make someone they haven't met a complete stranger feel something experience something as they live their story is beautiful!!!!!

Just last week this one couple comes over to the studio and as she browses through the outfits the guy brings over a bottle green anarkali and puts it over her as she stands before the mirror loking at some other outfit and insists on asking her to try it and take that instead cause he loved that color on her and he loved that outfit in you stand a lil away on another work call watch those moemnts and live your own story in those visuals.....mirror moemnts with him, him telling you bottle green was your color making you try it on and 5hen looking at you in his color that he loved on you......

Was when you realise the beauty of allowing people to live moemnts like those with your felt beautiful charlie!!!!!

That one Khushi that one smile it left you with in that very moment she instead turns to you asking you if it looked better than the peach she wanted to buy instead and with THAT much him rushing through you in that very moment all you could say was they know the best if he says so then it definitely will look best on you.....that one smile on her and she did take the green one without even trying it on!!!!!

Love charlie it doesn't just make your world round around them but it makes you beautiful inside out it just makes you the best version of you possible it just does something that with the slightest touch of just that one true love in a lifetime you are left transformed and then there's no looking back from there on...

Transformed for life...if this moment wasn't enough what followed the next day felt like again there was all him all around everywhere you are at just him all of you that beauuuutifully laced away with everything him!!!!!!!

And HOW!!!!!!!

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