Wednesday 7 September 2022


 Making those smallest of changes in trying to change yourself for the better!!

But something's nai just can't!!!!!!

Like there was that it's been too long and lilst of changes possible trying to mould yourself away reshaping remoulding into something better.....

There are instances like this word moment and the waaaay his words like the wind gently brush you lilst of something and the way it always leaves your mind transformed!!

After prolly 7-8 years you finally paint your nails even if be it others calling you weird it just made you happy barely any color just the night sky like feeel over your nails...

Seeing him meeting him being with him at that hour prolly your most loved....

It's that thing charlie like why do we sniff away the food if it looks delicious much before we even taste's that need to take the essence of that all in before you devour it!!!!

It's that need to soak away absorb away something just by looking at it smelling it away taking all the essence of it in before you actually reach out and eat it or experience it or feel it!!

To watch him live him at that hour was like reading his mind out in his words his actions under the night sky...from the random most topics he would that beautifully switch to cosmos birds lilst details around even the sound of the barking dogs or the sound of the people chanting away some god's name as they walk on the streets in any sound any visual and the waaay he loved to share his input his perspective of the same!!!!!

Like those dates was more knowing reading his mind out it was your high like literally trippin on anything and everything that he did spoke liked looked was different that beauuuutifully different!!!!!

No wonder this wordless logicless love for that time of the night or early morning hours that it sometimes for no reason just shakes you up and you off the bed head over to the window just one glance at the sky at that hour with all him rushing through you spend a min or two and head back to sleep!!!!!

It's like your meditation the way waaaay it just makes you feel is still different!!!!

There are always things that you'd change and things that have jst become you with time now...!

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