Sunday 11 September 2022

Remote Controlled!!

 His words satyavachan!!!!!

He truly has your remote control with him!!!!!!

Slightest of him in anyway and this one pull that you experience that makes you literally break away anything that you decide on any limitation anything that you decide to quit or anything at all it's like anything him and the way it sets all of you freeee and HOW!!!!!!!

every button in you that beautifully controlled by him even in his absence as mad as it sounds very much the fact that you've experienced a zillion times and matter what that slightest hint of him and the waaaay nothing in you can stay away from's thus pull charlie it's this urge this urgency to just feeel him away as you write him out of your mind in words.... Cause with every single word every single memory of him as you write is like feeeeeling him living him for real with his presence with evry memory it's surreal almost magic like beyond anything that you can use to describe the exact feeeeel it makes you allowsbyou to feeel away!!!!!

How what why never made any sense why still is another puzzle to be solved but this feeeeel even as you write and relive him from all those cigarette moments of living him!!!!!!

Something's nai and most importantly visuals this power they hold!!!!!!!

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