Tuesday 20 September 2022


 Today mom comes along at work work done on your way back and suddenly that one scream chipkalyy!!!!!

She was in the front seat and the chipkali was outside Venky gets off takes care of it but the waaaay it left that one big moment of Him with you.....

This morning the dream the waaaay it in the most beauuuuuuuutiful way answered away the missing feeeels of him with his presence.....the mind today was in a different world altogether!!!!!

Like you know how you struggled through the day to have a straight face on with the rush of him rushing through you......sometimes when he comes with that BIG of a hope like this morning there's this dilemmic lil celebration that takes place onside ofbyou......not being sure if to just awaaaay away with the feeels that it filled you away with or to try and understand and take ti to be just a dream.....

To that chipkali moment!!!!!

U doing some arm weights and him at that pull workout thing you with his headphones on he asks you in ishara to take it off and as you do he asks you so what do I call you.....and you still being the blonde you were say your name again and the way he adds yaaa ofc I know but that's for the others I want something to just call you that I call you as......nah still don't get it and he goes one to the next ok karela as your surname is karkera or kakarkayi in Telugu or chipkaly cause you called me as chipmunk so how bout you chipkaly and we are a team.....

And you actually tell him you liked the sound of karela and but as you are a girl and he screams with that much Khushi so its karely then...!

Some names this one name poooora heart even writing it out now after THIS long this one smile it left you with in this very moment.......that THAT much love he used to say it with!!!!!

The THAT sound of him...!

Have this conversation bout how you never had any nickname never had one Ghar ka name too and he starts of asking what he wanted to call you as.....that was your actual first nickname ever.......

Nobody before not even your mom had one for you!!!!!

It's this almost magic like thing evry single time you relive and write out a memory from back then and this tho wasbthe most initial ones the waaaaaaay it still is THIS very clear like it wasn't 10-13 years back but just bout yesterday.....there in that gym space with him with him that close his headphones over your ear him making those adoooooooooorable faces away lifting weights and you just lost in that something of him that always made you pause and live him away no matter what!!!!!!

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