Friday 23 September 2022


 From that moennt to the next one being where she starts to copy him away the way he lays over places his hand moves his head rolls his eyes and soon as he comes close to her shies away!!!!

This again him noticing that bout you liking loving that bout you and then sharing it with used to do the same when with him in the car sometimes on drives when you know he is upset over something else n just wanted to get away for a long drive nowhere specifically n you just start doing the exact thing most of the things he would do....Ike touch his face try to sort his hair or change music and you change it back move n stretch his back his shoulder whilst driving you doing the exact same thing him saying something you repeating it over and the way he suddenly would stop the car to the side stare at you and suddenly come that close to your face not chummi you just stay that waaay just that closest to your face and look you in the eye THAT used to make youfeeel awaaaay a ZILLUON things all at once!!!!!!!

It's that immediate feeeel and mix of shyness along with wanting him to just chummi you away to say the least!!!!!

It's like that sudden switch from him being distant to THAT close to you ekdum see!!!!!

Some SOME MINENTS you write and thus feeeeeeeeling even as you relive and write now and cannn easily seee the spelling slipping away hands shaky!!!!!!!!!

Some feeeeeeeeels!!!!!!!!!!

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