Thursday 15 September 2022

Moments n mind...!

Years it's been charlie and yet lilst hint of him in anything nd the waaaaay it fills your heart away with that Khushi where in reality these are beautiful random moments sounds visuals memory trippin through the day but to you alone theyy mean the world cause they for that moemnt they allow you to feeeel away his presence any which way......

It's like you almost met him saw him heard him felt him touched him kinda's that level of Khushi that's beyond logics and reas9ns can't define exactly how it makes you's almost like your mind is flying away with all of you still constant and grounded to the floor...

Grocery store just before heading home new place check out and the smile still there with his music playing and that one sight of him with that one smile of him andbthe waaaay it just is making you that happy nkn9w this is a dream High that you are rollin on for the time being but it just is feeeeeling this gooooood charlie.....

Kyaaa boluuu kaiseeee boluuuu what it meant to just see him finally at that one place in that one spot to watch him reaching out to hold your hand take your hand in his and just feeeel away saying it's been so long noo!!!!!

His voice his words his exact tone of voice even as you write and relive now!!!!!!!!!!

Again one question your mind wonders over for how long can you possibly miss someone that just that one face for and HOW MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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