Friday 23 September 2022

Lo loooowwee!!!!

 This sub loveeee stuff literalllllllyyyyy his vibes I saaay!!!!!!

Just that mooody it just gives out allllll his vibes!!!!!!!

Yesterday when the manager brings over his childhood fav orange candy post that one ONE dream of his the waaaay it felt sooo in sync that you almost waiiited in sleeep for another one last night!!!!!! She thought it’s your fav so picked it up for you from the dosa diner place and that Khushi of seeeeing things to do with him the waaaaay it woooosh bolke brings him along!!!!

Woke up with no absolute dream not even a sec of his sighting and this feeeeeel immmediately switched to workout even when you had to reach studio early!!

Like you just had to rush one!!!!!

And this feeeeeeeel these sub loweee tracks give out I swear!!!!!

His moves his stares him all in lilst of beat I say!!!!!

Or just your misseeeing high mind soaking it up!

Jo bhi ho the viiiiiiibe thaaat vibe of Him!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaa like walking talking breathing psy Beedi of gorgeousness I say!!!!!!

Something’s nai kitttaaa bhi try Karoo no matter how hard bas ghuskeeeee has become you now I say!!!!

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