Friday 23 September 2022


 Films are nothing but life's experiences being re written down being shared!!!!!

And HOW!!!!!!

it's the waaaaay he talks bout her shares things bout her shares him watching her loving her from a distance was like living him feeeeling him holding you from the back at opera and sharing you with through that one scene you felt him the STRONGEST him feeling your hand away holding tighter closer and sharing you with you......

Some moments nai charlie when you lived it like literally lived every sec every breath of that specific moment even with the movie dialogue playing you could almost hear the beauuutiful quietness if the opera with his music playing lowest vol possible his music system being lowered cause he didn't like the bright light to shine through the car all dark no sound nothing just him talking shairjg you nd his love for you holdinf you......

That whole experience of watchjng feeeling him through that scene was something else!!!!!!!

To another one where his dad tries to embarrass him before every ody else with his career choices and she stands up for him same feeel when some morning at his place and some business magazine on the table and his dad talks bout the same with his career choice and you just mention everything takes time to excel be it business or his like of career it just is about time.....and the way his dad says something to you that beautiful again don't wanna repeat high hope vibes totally and the way the waaaaaaay his face lights up in that moment his dad leaves to get ready and him in ishaara asking you to come over to his room.....the second you are there the waaaay he just holds you away just that one hug no word nothing at all just holding you tightest even after doesn't say a word just that one smile glued on him throhfthe day!!!!!!!

There was that one thing charlie donno how or why to protect him like you would fight for him with anybody like back then even with your mom that prolly wssbthe first time you lived that feeling of being fearless not caring a damn thing bout you taking a stand for him and just saying never again anything bout that was the first time you ever spoke that way!!!!!

To just protect him came that naturally to you...!

Mix of toooooo many beautiful feeeels tonight!!!!!!!!!!

That one Him i swear!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This one film made you relive tooooo much him the versions of him somehow slipped with time and tus beauuuuutifully refreshed in your mind......

This THIS rush of him!!!!!!!!!!!!

If only you could runnnnnn away to just hold him away abiii k abi this very moment missed him again like neevr before today!!!!!!!

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