Friday 23 September 2022


Working on sorting out the dates and designs to be worked on date wise color palette wise and stuff.....

Mind keeps flying away with his music playing the way it that beauutifully keeps drifting off n away to the moment from this morning feeling his face that close to you to just relive him his beauuutiful details from that upclose even in your head it's what it does to your mind!!!!!!

Beyond BEYOND words!!!!!!!

Play some recent released movie seems regular corporate stuff get on with your work and gin with his music still playing.....and this one sound of the scene that you weren't even watching made you stop the work and rewind and watch it again just cause of that one line that beauuuutiful echo of his chat from Bangalore......after which you actually hear him say that to you!!!!!

The line from the movie I love the sound you just made it was through a chummi scene!!!!!!

Sharing things that you missed physically bout him and him bout you like that was your first " chat......and throufb the likes he mentions it the same way I love the sound you always make when I chummi you i just love hearing it even through the moment!!!!!

That was in words and ayyyaaaaaaa the waaaay he says it out again when you ask him the same over the call he just sounded that beauuutifully different charlie just different.....saying it over it's like you live it fullyyy as you make the sound!!!!!!

There was that thing as you watch the moemnt inn the movie and relive your zillion such moemnts be it losing yourself in him from distance or just with that slightest touch of him it just used to tranform you completely and HOW!!!!!!

Like you know suddenly lose the sense of your own self body wise mind wise in a way immerse yourself away wholefully in the other in the moemnt feeeling him living him away completely!!!!!!!!

The sound of the moemnt today the reliving of such moemnts of your own the feeel of him of his presence to just relive that feeeeeeel of him in that way after long it all is just feeeeling this beautifully worse!!!!!!!

Just donnoooo!!!!!!!!!!

What why how!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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