Thursday 15 September 2022

Heart Happy!!!!

 How do you experience something like this for no reason for real!!!!!

Like how something like even be it in the dream sake can make you feel away all this and this heart happy!!!!!

That one moemnt of finding yourself right infornt of him and who bhi of all places it was at versova just to liveeeeee his presence fiiiiiinallllly for real charlie like spent yeaaaars chasing people away in jams in crowds cafe restaurants lifts parking lots malls where not just so you could live his presence andbthen to live that moemnt of finding yourself living it his versova place was SOMETHING else only!!

Where even after the waking up reliving the moemnts the first touch the first smile of his the first holding your hand feeling away your hand still at distance to hearing his voice after years to just that one hug that same feeeeeel of hiding away from the world in all him to that first chummi after YEARS!!!!!!! To him actually making fun of you saying tu bhool gayi ye sab and the waaaaay he slowly comes closer to your ear and whispers that sexily it feels just like the first time all over again after all these years!!!!! To the moemnts lilst to biggest the waaaaaay it all just felt that real like it was happening for real his presence his voice his touch the complete feeeel of him that fuckingky reaaal!!!!!

Even writing it now this feeeeeeeeel it's filling you up with all over again!!

Last few days have been busy hectic mostly this time ar0und barely any sleep and then as and when you do this feeeeeeel of him it fills you away with its this this feeel charlie heart happy feeeels like no smile still on the outside struggling doing your best to hide away and inside there this carnival literally heart dancing away to every beat on the inside kinda vibe!!!!!

How you still donno why you still donno dream just? You still donno the waaaaay the heart all of you sways takes it to be all real cause again it felt that real!!!!!!!

Whose to say what's a dream and what's for real, noo!!

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