Friday 23 September 2022


 To the other one when the guy starts to share things bout her with her cause all that while she always thought him to be a flirt and not the one woman kinda guy.....which also was the same with you when you tell him how you always thought him to be easy kinda guy and not the relationship kinda opera mostly hum holding you away and sharing you with you post moments was somethunf he loved!!!!!like LOVED!!!!!!!!

and the way he would start off as how he always somehow used to stare at you from distance and it wasn't bout how you looked or something he just loved watching you and it used to make him smile make him happy make him laugh as you struggle to get the weights right like he would just watch you do evrything wrong but with persistence and confidence like you were nailing it......and he actually used to repeat his sets to just watch you líke he used to wait for that hour of his entire day.....and the conversation also did start with him asking you for the bench you wr4 working on and later at opera tells you didn't even need it back then.....and shows you the right way to do so but the next day again you would go back to the wrong way.....

In the movie he talks bout how evrything bout her fascinated him even the way she would type something over laptop or dab her lipcolor away over the it was her details that made him wanna watch her....

In those moments when he woukdn share these details bout you there was you feeeeling that same feel....for you though it started micb later cause he was watching you much befire your first mirror moment with you it started after that!!!!!

Cause after the first initial meet with him at the door wit his walk you never saw him around cause you did start going to the weight section much after.....and he would come an hour early than you.....

To you it was after mirror moment the way to just watch him around used to leave with that sense of something that one strong even him passing by side eye looking at you while walking across the gym to check his fone and thus one time he just walks to the fone still looking at you and you definitely looking back doing some weird leg weight shit over the seat.....reaches the fone checks ut and that adooorably shyllly smiles saying I definitely thought it was ringing...ayyyyaaaaaaaaaa exaaaaactly thus beauuuuuuty n magic of writing him out!!!!!!!!!!

Suddenly the waaaaaaay lilst of details of him come alive and HOW!!!!!!!

this mind tonight i saaaaay!!!!!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeee baaaaahhhhhhh tummmmm kitttaaaaaaaaa zoooooor seeeee yaaaaaad areeee miyaaaa abi k abiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;;!

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