Saturday 30 April 2022

World of reality...!

 Ur dreams his dreams to live him in moments to live him with moments and the way these moemnts stay with you the way his presence stays with you through the day much after the dream the feel the confusion the calm the chaos in trying to make sense of it all!!

All these years all these feelings were different to what and how you feel ever since that chat with him...

When you live him his presence that strong the way you did days back that sense of questioning your own sanity follows up througbthe day....cause how could u possibly still feeel dream live him that way the way you did how could he possibly still make you feel that if it wasn't for something real...

How do you still live his presence the way you did days back exactly when you were high on missing him that bad then the daru happened!!

Exactly how did he know what and how you wanted to feel hear live him as and then to live him the exact same way to that extent!!!!!

Didn't make any sense initially a happy high and then goes down with confusion every single time now...

This one movie instances words as much as sense that it did make to you bout the ways of the mind bout the ways of what you feel in your core apart from what you are being told , like what you really feel inside and how strongly it talks to you is least affected with what happens on the outside !!!!!

It's this state of mind beautifully weird state of mind it has left you with....ike you definitely have to watch it again the rest of them too but this nite his movie like this was his ultimate favorite the matrix that he used to that passionately talk bout to see something a glimpse of his mind almost....

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