Sunday 17 April 2022


 From feeling to reading it...!

Every single Sunday almost, been few months now but the way some strong moments as such they just stay with you...regardless of how long it's been!

But it's these things to do with him and right from the very start the way they've always felt and meant to you!

Sunday too one of them, from those high hope tree dreams almost evry Sunday to the recent one just that one smiley from the recent chat...on a Sunday just change side still asleep and that feel of him the need to just check the fone cause now you put yours on silent at nite with no reason to keep it on ringer.....

That morning too it was on silent cause he was pretty clear the day before bout where you stood in his life and you were somehow sure he woildnt message again but that tiny feel of hope too cause he did mention let's be friends and see!!

The moemnt that strong feel hits you check the fone and there he was just that smiley and that one feeeeeeel charlie to just wAkeup to him from a dream to the reality.....

It hit you on another level!!!!!

How do you feel what are you supposed to feel when you find that dot finally that connects the gap bridges the gap away from the dream to connecting it to the you always wished and hoped for!!

It wasn't much of a conversation but that one adoooooooooorabke selfie of his after long every bit of gorgeousness and adorable in evry way possible the way it just held you see him that close after that long!!!!!

Every lil detail of his tracing back to the time you saw him for real from 5hat close!!!!!!every lil beauuuutiful detail of his!!!!!

Ever since then this happens almost every Sunday...

Waking up changing side and that one echo of a moment of that Sunday!!

Can't help but feel it every Sunday!!!!!

From dreams that you really want to sit down and ask in the dream how do you still see him running around that way with that kid around whilst you watch them looking at you talking to you something like you really wanna ask what's this and then what's that!!!!!

Th is morning after really long the tree dream and the way it left you with!!!!!

It's that beauty of a moment when you feel both chaos and peace at once!!!!

Sunday mornings too are pretty much the same from waking up from a dream as this one of his to just that smile over the fone , that one echo!!!!!!

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