Sunday 3 April 2022


 On your way back and everytime you pass by kasu that one rush of memory almost evry single time where he was on the lookout for a place for the first chummi and mango back then suggests the place right jnfornt of you with him as usual mad at mango and his timing!

Once finally there noon time and you know why he did bring you there and you look around telling him it's closed and that one smile of his ya but let's just take a walk there was that beauty charlie of such moemnts in your head it's like he would've chummied in the car itself why actually bring you all the way here but for him it was all bout that first memory with a place like a well directed moment by the director himself...

And he insists with your shoes on and lil spaced gates helps you holds you to get inthe other side once finally there after a few races and yah wHa ka baat finds thus corner with lil wildflowers all ar9hnd and a seat and takes you there saying let's sit for a bit that one turn towards you that one smile his eyes again ayyyaaaaaaaa your heart right there and a security guard comes over saying it was closed.....

Once out to subway right beside that one moemnt as you get off from the car almost and there was some bike parked that close and you couldn't move and he comes closer and you just stay without moving out waiting for that moment and him being that one adoooooooorable thing he nods away saying no no it can't be here....and moves back!!!!

That moment right there you just didn't know what to say or do or to just pull him back closer and chummi him away yourself cause it was a moment you waited an entirety for and he decides it wasn't right place for the first time memory....

Years now he was right that ine place of your first chummi be it kasu that almost chummi place that makes you smile over his adorableness everytine you passby today or the cement truck love cause it reminds you of that place that you can't manage to find on your own now....

Today with that one feeeeel of missing our on the continuity of the dream story as yug passed by kasu stop the manager get off from the other side go on the other side and just stay there for a bit cause it was closed today too and try to climb over guard comes over moment relived almost!!!!


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