Sunday 3 April 2022

Dreams n visions!!

 Last night after that missing high fall asleep on the couch itself watching sniper movie for a change and it practically out you to sleep and this one moment that same dream waking up surrounded with tall walls all around you as you walk through that tiny lane in between the all's and look around trying to find your way out cause it looked dark with bare minimum light source that you could see where you at....Few steps away and this one sound or something and before you even make sense of the moment arms around your waist pulls you to the side against the wall that one smell of him cause there was no light in that corner could you sense him with his smell and touch the way he just holds you away same way like he used to arms up.....that sense of there he was wala scream inside of you and that one ray of light over him and you see him finally khaki green shirt full grown beauuuuuuuty of his daaadi and his eyes charlie ayyaaaaa his eyes that lil high lot of Khushi sparkling through comes close touches your nose away with his nose and you fataaakbse make the most of his closeness thus time.....

It's that rush of him that rush of missing him moments before that moemnt like you could feeel it in even in that moment like you were waiting to find him looking for him and before you he finds you away!!!!!

That rush of moment to just chummi taste him away it was that rush and some loud sound and you wake up it still was early hours that same golden hour time of the morning and that one sigh obviously had to be that hour to meet him to live him....

Back to sleep with his music wakeupt to that very same moment exactly there again......and that one feeeeeel aaage kuch kaiku nai hua!!!!!

Even whilst brushing having breakfast with your manager and friends cousin waiting for you to ready that one thought still on your mind damn aage kyu kuch nai hua like atleast be it in the dream bhi udharich paused away!!!!!!

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