Saturday 2 April 2022

Moments of Him...!

 Amidst discussing the edits of pictures and the manager edit team discussing how well the shots were directed by you but you not too sure how the edit looked a lil unhappy with the final still in that discussion it's that feel charlie after making that much of an effort of styling even making the other new model pose for the shots the final outcome not as per what you'd expected was a downer at concu with that weird feel of disappointment.....the editor still insists that the final image will def look better but you still unsure over it that one sound of music at the's like suddenly there was that touch over your hand that same gentle touch holding your hand away getting off the chair heading closer to the sound cause it def felt familiar and it was the very same track Revelation that same track ever since the first sound has made you feel him live him the mostest makes you come every sense of you all of you in that missing mode cause of the flashes of him it's like evry zoomed up flash of his rushes through you every single time with that sound.....

Today too post lunch you take the day off and instead had to sort the edit bit suddenly and that very instance this one sound as you stand there with people still around all you could feel live with the sound was Him.....

Him sitting beside you in his room as you try to reach out to your fone ringing on his side of the bed as he moves a lil ahead try to sneak in your hand from his back and he suddenly moves back just so you can't move your hand and that one chuckle and the way he just pushing his back against the headrest of the bed with your hand in the way and you keep saying some konsense like he bed arrested your hand or something it was and the way it cracks him up and then with the other hand hold him away.....and it's the way he looks at you in that moment is when you see his mole close to his right ear lobe for the first time cause in the car you were used to the left profile of his that day was prolly the first time you see that mole of his and just touch it over and mention bout the same how come he has a mole over his ear that you didn't see it before and the waaaaaaaaaay he looks youin the eye comes closer and asks something !!!!!!!

To those moments of that hug just before leaving and the way he would hold you for a bit give you that one look in the eye without a word or nothing no sound just the look and move a lil back that one moment charlie i swear always alwaaaays made you hold him back again closer than his hug and that one smile of his everytime you did that!!!!!!!

It's like he just exactly knew your reaction over anything to every move he made looked touched like he just knew evrry sense of you in the most beauuuuutiful way!!!!!!

Moemnts with sounds and the things they do to you and your mind i swear!!!!!!

Is beyond!!!!!!!

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