Sunday 3 April 2022

Just one moment...!

 That one pull lived and through the drive through the shopping at the studio where she wanted to pick something for the event tomo her selecting and you just that lost in all him.....the mind reliving every single pull from that pull this morning!

To that moment one pull playing on loop like the mind just paused over ut from his other house where he tells you he won't touch you or anything watch the house series for a bit have lunch and he asks you to leave and that one feeeel of not having even touched him held him for once and you complain over the same thing get off putting something in your bag turned around and the way he just holds you away from the back saying ek hug kiye bina kaise jaati and wooooosh bolke like evry single time like it's always been melts you away in an instance....

One touch one sec of being held by him and whoooooosh!!!!!!

Turn around and there was no holding back just one touch!!!!!!

It's been this way for everything charlie with him.....right from the very start the way slightest of something with him and the way it would set that part of you free just that beautifully free.....that very first hug still remember the way soon as he holds you after playing that touching the forehead usual fight holds you away takes you in his arms for the first time and that feeeeeeeel and that very second he says this it's this feeling like i always owned you it's like you've always been here in my arms just like this.....this bit about owned you he again after years mentions in a skype chat too...

More than that it was always that sense of belonging even before seeing him how he looked how he was you just stood there that day waiting for him to look up the way just that glimpse of him waking over those and something's you write and makes you hit backspace and change the word cause again something's can never get used to sooooo yaaah walking iver those boxes in the gym comes closer and then looks up belonged to that moemnt that place right there....

To that moemnt when he looks at you througbthe mirror and you just stand there as he ties his shoe lace and still watches you through the mirror the loud music at the gym suddenly feels non-existent ional like all that stayed was that moment to just live him like you belonged there.....

To just rising in love with him evry single moment you just completely belonged there like no other place you could ever be at!!!!!!

Your heart your soul all of you just there that one place that one face tat one person in the world for you!!!!!!

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