Saturday 30 April 2022


 The other night with that much missing rushing through you and the way he comes every sense in you this this very thing bout writing wanting to write out dreams like these moments like these and you know you can't obvsly write out stuff like these and yet this urge to just write out your mind specially when it's feeling away the way it is now.....

Every sense of you living him away the way you missed him his words his actions the way just the way he was all of him evry bit of him the way it just felt THAT much loved again the dream itself the moments that presence of his sense of his presence even after the waking up just the wAaaaaaaaaay it left you with that day THAT MUCH OF HIM and his love!!!!!

Like waking up you were just that beautifully full of him!!!!!

Laced with his love kinda feeeeels!!!!!

It's like you are living thus side of your usual day life with a version of you that's just not you but you have to.....and then there is that you complete you that was with him most you you'd ever been and that very you he comes down almost every nite to connect you there is that sense of belief in the character too that she will come back to what and who she was meant to be.....fighting against all the odds!!

This missing this sense of feeling incomplete when you look around its momentary charlie....cause that moemnt when you live his presence even be it in the dream you wouldn't wanna see anybody in that place it's something beyond you!!

It's like you knowbthe core denies any other way any other presence kinda thing!!

Again when logic hits you it still doesn't make sense after he made it all clear but the way it all doesn't even matter when you live him in connection to the reality of that particular day of yours...

Like some moment from the day connects with the moemnt with him in the's weird it's magic it's madness but it still is the most looked forward to part ofbyiur day it's that one big sigh of finally!!!!!

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