Saturday 30 April 2022


 There is that beauty in quite moments on drives with his music even be it out on work on the way and just letting your mind and eyes wander around...where it's just you and your mind looking for that hint of him somewhere some moments some visual to just fill up away that missing in the moment....

To even finding that beloved circle around and know bout his series work and that wait for it now to see his name in credits..

How much do you miss someone how longndo you miss them for and ways you miss them in is beyond you...there's no definite or right way to do so...

To relive him in places in conversations in visuals and sounds it still amazes you sometimes how clear he still is.....his evry detail every expression every face and smirk smile frown still this clear mind slowley moving to missing his details....

This thing always bour writing some strong moments and the way it slowly sort of engulfs you away with evry word and memory and the mind wanders over his details his brown big eyes his lashes ayaaaaa the way he initially feeling conscious of being stared from that upclose and the way slowly that beautifully his eyes his face would go at ease Evey detail more relaxed in a way letting you live him the way you wanted to....

These words today and this feeling it's left your mind with so many wishes so many moemnts waited longed for!!!!!! That many moments words unsaid unlived!!!!!

Howleeeeeeee if only you knew how you wlarev being missed in this very moment here!!!!!

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