Friday 22 April 2022

Just something!!

In the middle of watchjng this beautiful film of hope and dreams and this sudden change of the track playing, to the sound of his Niladri...

It's this feeeeeeel charlie the vibe last few days se be it the dreams off late or the moments through the day this vibe of him that these moments dreams arevlaced with taking you back to the first time you felt something for him and HOW......

there is this beauty in the way it keeps getting connected to back then, lilst of moments to the dreams taking you forward with him...

It's the day that sort of tries to fade it away in your head and then a moment out of no where a visual a sound a drop of rain that changes it all away, feeling it all over again just like the way you felt for him the very first time...

Moments n dreams i tell you they have the power magic beauty to sort of transform the reality away too!!

Cause you know how the waking up every single time now feels like after knowing the reality from him to still living moments like these be it even in the dream and then to wake up looking for him and still finding his smell all around.....

Sniffing away the dreams i tell!!

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