Saturday 2 April 2022

High point!

 Today was that beautifully weird like there was that moment of feeling utmost disappointment and that very same second that one feel of being held off and away with the sound to evrything Him...

It's what and how it does to you !!!!!!

Evrything everyone around like suddenly don't even exist wha you felt seconds back doesn't exist in that moment one with the sound just Him!!!!!

You are beautiful moment with him that close just living that beauty of him touching aaway his beauuuutiful details and the way he just moves his face with your hand and the second yiubtell him you are beautiful that one smilllleeeeeeeeeeee ayaaaaaa that very moment heart popped out over his face all over him i say!!!!!

Even in that moment as he leans his back over your hand still looking for some movie on the laptop with that one smileeee still over him as his back crushes over your hand and you that lost in the way waaaaay he just looked in that moment again knowing you were living him lost in him with your hand behind his back and him still looking at the screenbut that one smileeeeee still's like you wanna eat him away too and at the same time still wanna feeeel live that beauty of him in such moemnts to the second you hold him away with your other hand another story altogether!!!!!!!

Things you wanna soo bad write and can't!!!!!

Exactly what this one track does to your mind brings along the most beauuuuutifully indulgent flashes of him and makes every sense in you come alive and how!!!!

Place people surrounding today didn't matter it was also prolly the first time you felt that way suddenly in a public place lost sense of everything around and just that one rush one solid rush i say!!!!!!

Get away and ask the driver to just drive around for a bit!!!!!

It's that need to just be and hide away from everything else cause you knowweee when that rush hits you what and how it leaves you with!!!!!!

That one rush of Him i swear!!!!!!!!

Even now as you write and with evry blink that one zooooomed in version of Him!!!!!!

AyaaaaAAaaaaaaa howleeeeeeeeee you beauuuuuuuuuutiful lil sexy thing how only you were missed today!!!!!!!!!!!

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