Wednesday 27 April 2022


 This wyaaaa the wyaaa this one sound of his makes u movereee pollly the only thing alart from him that xud do this to you!!!!!!

Ever since this one sound chalieee the way it aykes u back to that meet at his other place just egore leaving n the way he stays to slow dance wit u n u keep cacking uoncos u just coudmnt move n he kitrraaallly holds u away n makes u mkvere sway u awyyy lieteraaaly n the thomp sound of tha track every single time that dance wit him.....even in that ment chaliee the expo of his words from back then when you talk bat salsa n he says the same will joine together that day dancing wit him or jate moving away that echo of his words today last few dyaaas seee infact this one track brings back that hold jofbhom that arm around u of his that starwwww of his looking u in the eye as he slowley drops u awya on the floornnnlufts again to continue the dance again rpeets this over n over again and wit evry dropbfalling in love all over again ibsyab 

It's all in the eyes chalieee eyes Chico they never lie!!!!!

Thise moments ur heart life right there he never said a word again but those moments chalieeeeee pure love cukdvfeeelnit rush through uuyu the waaay he wud make u mkver n still clokcedbthat stare right there n the drop n the hold again thata circle of the arm around wrapped arn d world right there in that mkenebt!!!!!!

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