Saturday 30 April 2022


 From being stuck in a jam and looking around people walk or drive past by that sudden flash of him driving instead there was that swag charlie that suave way of holding the steering the way he would move his arm around a turn the way he would just walk from a distance it's like lving him his details his presence along with loving each and every attribute of his you were literally growing inot being his fan's that feel charlie like that one presence that just does something to you your mind your soul you all of you on the inside the way it just does something to you like no other does.....

Th is one turning every single time at Jubilee hills the bubble checkpost place today too with the jam slow turn and you had the windows down with that smell of raindrops still in air as the car moves slow his music playing and this one lady door with the bubble maker in hand and you wait for the moment she would blow and she looks at you smiles away and blows it in the air you wave back as a thank's moments charlie living a visual story of your most loved moemnts where you find that sense of his presence like one look at you and he would just know want to know if you liked something and you just looking at the bubbles in the air that day with him and he stops away in the jam even with the green lights on waiting for that vendor to come close so he could get that for you...

To just knowwwww that in you bout you and be so sure bout it it's always been that way bout and with him...ever since the very start like not even a speck of doubt bout it like just know it in your core kinda thing...and then the reality happened !!

But like the movie goes how are sure and who is to tell which is what .... If this is reality or the one that you live with your eyes shut and how does the two meet like still live it even after the waking up....

His dreams charlie the way he just comes like even writing now you are so sure that some moemnt some word something he would talk connecting with what and how you are feeling in this very moment!!

It's the way he sometimes looks at you leaning over the tree as you are doing something or talking something but that one look that one assurance and suddenly all your questions and confusions disappear!!

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