Sunday 3 April 2022

After feels!!

 Usually you know when a missing like this hits you you try and stay away from the tracks or anything that makes you feel that way....cause you know you can't do a thing bout it and it only gets worse!!

But today was different from that waking up to that one thought that got stuck in your head to that one magic of his music like ALWAYS!!!!!!

Finding him after this long after months of waiting and then to find him post bout music and then finding this gem on a day like this one today!!!!!!

You know when this high settles it's only going to feel worse with that realisation but for now just this need to be with the feels!!!!!

Evry moment with him from the start to just living that feel for the first time to loving it to watching you yourself transform and from that moment wanting that moemnt of finally that close to living it and ........

U didn't know you were even like this isn't it beautiful charlie how loving someone you get to know things bout your own self that you didn't know even existed....

It like unleashes a side of you makes you rubaru with that side of you and it was that evident on the outside too with that comment from the manager....

Cause missing him this way felt's that constant need to run away to him with that one line playing can you take me away...

Finally come home mind still feeling the same that you leave the second drink as it is with just a sip.....cause you wanted to write it away and now wrijtng it away this one feeeeeeeeeeel of him.....this very moment this need today to hold him away right now for the starts!!!!!

It just is feeling different today.....he was that close cahrlie that closeeeee and that only thing in your head to eat him away fataaakbse.....even writing and reliving it now this one big why!!!!!!!

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