Saturday 30 April 2022

Love for His mind!!

 There is that thing charlie you may fall in love with the outer characteristics of someone but to love their details to live their details and then there is that level of love to feel that love passion that beautiful something for their mind, that sense of something that you feel for their mind their thought process their way of doing things just something bout that special characteristic of their persona….that sense of individuality that makes them stand apart like there is that crowd on one side and on the other it’s just that one person standing there!!!!!

And you feeeeeling away all that love all that something for just their mind not just the way he looks beautiful acts adorable apart from everything and with everything there is this love for his mind, to another level only!

Some movies and this poooooof state of mind it has left you with!!

Most of it major parts of it still over the head as you haven’t watched the previous ones but that sense of something with your dreams and the journey of it!!

And then there were moments of words that one flow of words that beautify in sync almost talking out to you kinda vibe I say !!

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