Sunday 14 March 2021

To See C...

 There have been many times charlie where you just sort of wanted to write him just message him away to just know!!!!!

Clear your mind out and then that usual thing bout losing out on this Him too that you have now.....

In moments like the one today it's this lil bit of khushi that you get to live is what you don't want to lose out on....

Typing away message and deleting again with this same fear agar phir block kiya tho....and you skip it away....

Ek aur howliii cheeez maloom one lil secret between you and me.....

Jab jab bhot se bhi zyada miss karti and that one zooooor seeeee boldennaaaaa wali feeel aati nai just write away I miss you I love you chipppy or just howleeeee when he is online and then delete your mind in that very moment you still did in a way write the missing out ab send nai kiya that's a different story altogether but in that moment it's that to share the missing away sort of fills up....kaise howww no clue smthhngs nai most of the things in love you just donnooo don't have any logic for it just is the way it don't need to imply or find the logic behind it cause it did make you feel smthing it did move you did allow you to feel that shift inside you with that smthing.....and that's all that matters cause you felt him...

With those moments of living him to just wanting to live him through his pics on insta and you also check through the tagged section which you recently discovered when your manager tells you on the business page....

And only today you see his tagged ones and the very recent one being a week old....

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one beauuuuuuuuuutyyyy of him charlieeeeee that one feeeeeeeeeeeel to seee him from that close after THIS long!!!!!

It's that one feeeeeeeeel like every time he can tooootallly overshadow any kids adooorableness with his......ayyyaaaaaaa the eyes fataaaak se get glued on him all you wnnaaaa seeee all you ever sawwww Himmmmmmmm!!!!!!!

Ayyyyaaaaaaaaaaaa that THAT beauuuuuuuuuutiful!!!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tummm likteee likteeee zorseeeeee yaaad areeee miyaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!

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