Wednesday 31 March 2021

Right from the start...

 That very first mirror stare him tieing his lace and you ask for your fone and he just looks up at the mirror to look at you just by your sound cause the instructor she was standing close to him looking for ur fone and you were loiking at her and see him looking at you through the mirror athe waaaaay he just holds you away......

Not a blink nowhere to look else, just him.....right from that start the waaay it felt like he just owned you .....the waaay you just dint wanna look away and also that initial thing you must look away but the way nothing in you wanted to look away .. the way that stare of his just held you smile nothing just that stare no wonder mirror starez have been his thng always.....the way he loooved holding you away making you stand with him and then looking at you in the was that sense of how happy he was to have you in his life.....

It's only when you lose smthing as beautiful as that do you realize what it's not just love that one looks for charlie it's that feeeeling of how someone is happy to have you how happy someone truly is to have your life and how your presence fills up that sense of pride in them.....

Right from his stare to his smile to his random talk to his cute angry talks to his touch his smell his presence his evruthung hmmm thing to every moment lived with him that one wish!!!!!!!

It's when you visually live yourself living those moments back in time in that very place and feel how truly happy you were....that beautifully complete cause you had everything youd never even asked for...!

That was the happiest you ever were, Him...

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