Sunday 14 March 2021

Human bird...


Even today as you just be living him in that one pic of his.....first that same feeeel anybody to everybody including that kid I saaaay how very lucky !!!!!!!!!

To just live him look at him hear him touch him to be with him live moments with him to that basic lilst of thing breathe in the same air as him share that space......LUCKY!!!!!!!

its that thing charlie bout details living someone's details and then loving each one of them and then when you miss the very details or miss out on those details anybody that gets to live it beyond words wali feeling....

Sometimes it feels this unreal like did he ever love you like all that did happen for real like was there really a time like that too!!!!!

Or its juat your mind living breathing through this trip!

Lil gin and this mind waaaaay tooooi much him by now!!!!!

Aisaa kabiii useee dekheee tho this feeeling charlie....

That beauuuty wild beautiful hair open just like back then he used to looking his beauuuutiful best him that beauuuutoful human bird....

Like you can just sit there admire adore the beauuuuty like just sit there and not move not touch not go any closer to....and bas doorse admire the beauty cause you go any closer it will definitely fly away....

Woooosh bolke even before you know or are prepared for...

He is that beautiful wild bird there can't go closer can't touch can't feel to just be admire adooooooooooore!!!!!!!

Kitttaaaaaaaaa bhiiii mannnn hooo can't go closer to can't touch it cause you don't wanna kiss out on living that eauty too....cause it will just fly away you touch it and it flies!!!!!!!

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