Sunday 14 March 2021

A complete Youday!!!!

 Right from the morning that early that fulllllll feeeeel of him wali dream right from that distant stare to ayyyaaaaaaa that feeeel of him that THAT close to you that you could feeel over your ear that whisper that close to your ear ayyaaaaa smthings you this fcking badddd wannaaaaa write and also can't write out!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaa that pouty feeeel over your ear that close to you that when you wake up you smell him the closest to you today!!!!!

THAT close!!!!!

To a morning like a that one and the post happy nap that you keep slipping in as it's the off day today and you just lay in cause you just dint want that feeeel to goo like you know in that just happy high mode where you feel that high that beautiful slow state of mind and you just don't want to feel think anything esle but just that feeeeeeeeel.....that feeel of his closeness stil sniffing away all around you for as long as you could smell him around you.....

To those moments through the day right from that moment when he keeps coming online that often and you just be the waaaay it holds you awaaag and how!!!!

Like to just vibe awaaay with that feeel with his music on...

Almost the complete day felt like he was right there......charlie when you are in that zone that one zone of happiness that one feeel that one smthing you live feeel after very very long you sort-of let the reality drift away like you know not thunk a think that it's a random moment him talking to somebody and not you and yet you just take it to be him standing there looking at you cause that's exactly how and what it felt like......him right there standing and you living that beauuuuuuty of his!!!!!!

All of him every bit of him, just living him awaaay cause in your mind through thise few times throughout the day it was him stanjnf there looking at you and as mad lost it completely it's sounds like to you it meant the world...

Cause it was smthing you lived FELT after what felt like a lifetime of 6 years!!!!!!!

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