Monday 15 March 2021


 Some images you can't get your mind off.....

Just the waaay he looks that beauuuuuuutiful ayaaaaaaaa mind I say gone!!!!!!

His hair his daaaaadi the way he is standing that one expression that smirk that you looooved on him it's like suddenly it all comes back to pic one Him that many versions lived his expression the faces he used to make while mimicking characters from movies.....

All it takes is a moment a picture and of all things that one Him I say!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaa the more you relive that picture of his that face of his now everytime he is online this misseeeing that you can feel getting worse this beautifully worse!!!!!!

At work discussing designs and your mind all of you is just not with you at all...

Just what exactly what his actual presence used to make you feel like, everything else and around blurs away all that stays that beautifully always Him...

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