Wednesday 31 March 2021

sound of music...2

 From last nite to this mornjng when you wake up with that much him....

A random dream of his with lilst of instances yaha waha different scenarios but that thing charlie bout his some dreams like it was to just fill up the space fill up his absence not make any sense or anything to just be there and fill up the space just like that....

This morning's one too was all that just his voice literally touching away your ears to tjat one scene where he actually wears your aviators and tells you how light weight it is and it's only today when out you wear it and realize that visual from the dream when you wake up today it was just that rush of him rushing through you not any particular moment or anything just all him all through you.....

Onky in that moment today as you wwr the glasses do you relive that moment from the dream.....

To just the very start of the day today with those lyrics song on repeat like u just dint want ir ro stop it has that vibe charlie can't name the controversial name of the band just the track cold with some ritual!!!!

Call it the morning ritual cause that's how and what it more feels like!!!!

It's this feeeeeeeling charlieee eveuthjng bout him that you wish you could relive evey moment with him every memory with him anythjnf to everybit of him that you wish you could relive....

The same feelings that same rush also when you realise the irony of this quote tht you in a way despise....never the same love twice!

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