Sunday 28 March 2021

fine line...!

 That one fine line that one fineeee line that always sort of changes it all away and how!!!!!!

From feeeling that much of Him to nothing at all , the waking up....

Galti se sleeping and the way some moments can make you feel like in a way it was more bout a moment of living him closest in that moment drawing closer to him and then landing back to reality waking up......

Some days on the calendar evry year never get over !!!!!!!

First ever holi , with Him.....

Another one of those firsts of living that beauty of the mirror moment with him......

To living that similar moment years after on the very same day or nite tonight even be it in the dream for a bit smthings never make any sense...

This beauuuuuutiful smthing that you are filled with in this very moment, THAT much Him!!!!!!

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