Saturday 13 March 2021

Moment of peace...

 Right in the middle of all the hush hush your lilst moment of peace...

To just live someone's presence recall that feeeeeel of living his presence his actual physical presence as you live his online presence......

Smthings you refrain from recalling cause you just knowwwww how and what's it going to leave you feeling like... And then all it takes is just a moment a tiny lil one to sort of drift you away from everything else and closer to that feeeel of living what living his presence used to feel like...and why you loooooooved it THAT waiiit for it to just be able to live his presence...

Smthings nai off n awaaaaaay from it all and HOW!!!!!

Anything to everything to do with Him...

Just a moment of Him and the waaaaaay you become this beautifully all n just Him!!!!!!

That one feeeeeel of living him!!!!!!!!!

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