Wednesday 31 March 2021

Becoming Him...

 As you live this beauuuutiful rush of him writing and reliving him now in your most loved corner of the house.....

The smell of mogras as they dance away to the wind and you swinging away with and to his sound of music.....the waaaaaay some sounds n smells can make you feeel.....and then to see that same flock of white birds flying away this love for the nites....back then when he would just talk bout how late nites make him feel more love you more and this feeeeeling ever since then nites when you relive that feeel that echo of his voice talkin bout his loce for the nites lil did you know you would be living nites like these toooo.....

It's the way him loving you was all n mote bout making you Him.....just the waaaaay every touch of his did make you a lil more him from habits to likes to the random stugf a lil more him......

The waaaay his face would light up charlie ayaaaa these white birds and his beauuuutiful mind flying stars.....

Exactly also why you love this track every moment every single one if only you wish you could relive truly lucky you did get in those moments with thise moments lilst of him with that much why it doesn't really matter nothing else does when they talk bout having somebody in life for real.....

For you it's always been bout wanting to be loved again by him wanting to be looked at him touched by him lived by him to live with him to Life with's not bout having somebody in life it's bout having him in your life it's always been.....

If nothing it's thus way the way you do now.....

Today all these moments and then when finally you ask for the chai galli stop and get off and just walk around there with no stalls nothing chai no food stalls nobody around you jsur walk with the song playing.....

When there you always used to ask him to park under the light where you could see him under the street light him waking to the chai wale getting it to your side and sitting on thebdoor side space with his hand over your leg him being a coffee person thta moment thise evenings was juts bout to live that moment with you....

The waaaaay he loooked that beauuuutiful charlie ayyaaaaaa the waaaaay he woiod look at you and just knowwwwww you were lost in him and then just reach out and play some song to suit that moment just right and then smileeeeee cause that vibe made him that happy ekdum see....he had this thing bout music and moments like he needs to have a specific song playing in that very moment and if it syns well he would replay the same one over....

To just living thise initial closest moments there this need to drink water immediately after chai it's not good tho but this habbut of yours and he used to keep the bottle on the side initially but later did start to leave the bottle in the back seat which he did like everything 3lse tell you later about....

Like he knew your habit of having to drink water post chai and you look to the side for it and he would tell you it's at the back seat just bout to leave from there and you turn and reach out and that was your moment closest to him face wise.....those first moments of being closest to him and the waaaaaaaay he would just look at you in that moment that feeeeeel charlie to just live tat beauuuuty of his from that close first time......and that slowly come closer and dash his forehead away to yours.....and this another thing that you belived in and it's love doesn't haporn with anybody else....did become just your thing with him...

One more takkar nai thoo you end up fighting.....kab takkar maara ki uneee fir return nai kari tho ye hua shayad!

Smthings nai scene ke beech mein ting bolkeeeee strike hoteeee ayaaaaaa!!!!!

Soooo ya!!!!!

Much after when he did tell you it was intentional when he would leave the bottle in the back seat instead of the side and make you reach out for it and then live that moment with you closest to you!!!!!!

Some moments!!!!!!

Kabi lagta was it all in this lifetime only?

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