Friday 8 November 2019

Learning to fly...

been in the same place for waayy too long now has its own impact like it leaves you changed almost completely.....

and this feeling has been there for almost forever now.....

last few weeks this one thing that you are working on yourself trying to change you in a good way to make it better for yourself in some way.....

and whilst doing that this one search for that one perfect studio like place with workshop in one place so you dont have to run around two places for work.....

been weeks now either its waay too expensive for now or just the place isnt good enough...

its only today you get this call from some friend of yours who talks bout this one advert she had seen and suggests you go see the place for once...

a lil away from the workshop and one galli to the other finally you reach the place !!

the very first thing the entrance itself rings that loudest tangggg in you !!!!!!!!!!

like the loudest one possible like you could almost feel that one smile over your heart after a very long time !

not cause it was fancy the reason why you fell in love with the place without even having a look on the inside is these beautiful wild creepers hanging and hovering over the entrance that beautifully...

as if though the place was right in the middle of the forest white independent house sort of thing with these beautiful green wild creepers hovering over.....

and thats when you did decide that very sec this is the place that you wanted..... it was that rustic and that beautiful at the same time....

and the landlord comes over asking you bout it and then tells you to have a look inside and you tell her right there that youll take the place and when can you move in...

the aunty still insists to have a look first and you finally do on the inside the place still ok needs a looot of work but the outside of it and you decide youll make the inside as beautiful and yours on the inside too.....

like it wasnt that state of complete happiness charlie but that smthing in you felt that change felt that movement that smthing in you just moved like you know one step closer to another dream like wish that you wished for.....

your own studio to get the meetings done to have the collection on display instead of having to run to strabucks everytime for client meets or their place....

like your place with your workshop where you can see it happen!!

was a lil step very lil one but that sense of smthing just moved made a massive impact on you!

like finally smthing changed in your life for good.....

like finally you did move...

the very slightest bhi, still you did...!

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