Friday 8 November 2019

Never get used to !!

it wasnt bout looking at someone cause the guy looked like him, it was bout living him in the present in someone...

like that slightest closest trace of him in someone made you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling of living him for real in the waking state most importantly.....

like you know when you are not dreaming him again and are actually awake and you see him in that same grey arri t shirt kinda moment it was....

and you run away from it cause you dint want your mom to think it was cause you were lookin at some random guy and sharing that smile or moment.....

like you know ready to move on kinda vibes....

cause you alone know what and how MUCH that moment those few mins mean to you !!!!!!!

like you know living him for real after years !!!!!!!!

thats exactly how fcked and lost a mind been waaaaaaay tooooo high on miseeeing could possibly get !!!!!!!!11

like it makes you zone out in the most beauuuuutiful possible way ever !!!!!!!!!

and that realization today of his place in your life again where you still dint feel that sense of happiness like the way that moment left you with.....

cause there was Him in that moment.....

and these words today this pure beauty of words striking at the right time on one of your most followed pages by iron j.....

she is not the kind of woman you get used to, she is the kind you wake up everyday to and thank god each and every day for it...

everytime you come across smthing this beautiful like this on that page theer eis that Him on your mind that you replace the she with always....

cause the writer quotes stuff with just the she in it....

in your mind the way the she disappears that beautifully slow and replaced with Him...

Him - you could never get used to him, despite of living him every single day back then meeting him being with him and yet the next day there was that sense of magic like feeeeeel rushing through you the sec you see him again.....

that one face in the world that one him in the world for you, could never get used to....

no wonder there was you replacing that one random face with His and living your own crazy moment of happiness...

its Him everything in and bout Him, his beauuutiful details to his nothingness too, smthing you could never will never get used to...

this very sec when you out of nowhere think of that one sec when he one final time in that chat asks you again for skype that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling like you alone knew what and how much that meant to you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

living Him - meant the world to you !!!!!!!!!

EVERYTHING !!!!!!!!!

and then to actually say a no cause it just felt that pointless after all !!!!!!!

strange no charlie it wasnt even like you dint want to see him or naything even after having said that all of you still that badly wanted to see him once.... and yet that strong feel of whats the point even....

like it just dint make any sense.....

you sitting there living him knowing still knowing................................................

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