Saturday 30 November 2019

To love.....

yesterday just sitting there living him from that moemnt and reliving that love of his for you.....

how much you really mattered t o him......

lik you jus listening to that track made that big of a diff that he wanted to know why that track.....

to that moent when you just tell him it wasnt cause of that reason what he thot it was bout.... and then just by looking at your face knows it.....

it was your another first time of living msuic sound of music with the feels too.....

like through those few days of him being away there was your bunch of missing him songs like the casual missing him living him with his music kinda music and then there were those late nites when he is still yet to talk before slepping this onlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy you write smthing and this feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling after writing it out.......

SOME REALIZATIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..............

there were those moments sitting out all by yourself on the terrace listening to these few songs that made you miss him in the hmmmst of ways possible....

2-3 tracks but that was your first time expeirencing this side of love with his msuic.....

yesterday when you listen to it after this long thsi beautiful realiztaion.....

how everything with him all those first times right from the vry start....

like pages of you being touched and transformed away by and with him......

that nite he asks you the first thing on teh fone....

like literally make syou say it out by asking how does it make you miss me that track....

how do you miss me then when you listen to it.....

and that beauuuuutiful silence wait that comes after even writing it now living that sound of his voice asking you that sound of his smile withthat wait......

GOOSEBUMPS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

moment years after relived again.....

exaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaactly why you sturggle to stay off writing him and this feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling state of you that this detailed wrtiing him leaves you fills you p with ....................

and for the first time you tell him in words smthings you wannaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa write and yet knowwwwww cant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thsi state of mind all this is leading you to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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