Saturday 30 November 2019

His way of love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

smtims not sure if would get worser than it already is or its just that neeeeed to write it out exctly how you feel in the moemnnt or that you felt yesterday when the sound of the track plays in the background.....

knowing just knowwwwwwwwwwing what ad how it only gets after wirting him in and with the detials......

soooooooo yahhhhhhhhhhh anywyyyyyyy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in your spot at the opera.....

and the waaaaay usual stops the car and that beauuuuuutiful wait all over his face turns to you takes ur fone and plays the track and the sec it starts looking you in the eye syas are you ready .......................................................................................

smthingsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

later asks you again so still not in love.....

and thens leeps over your lap and just stays and just bout to say smthing saying you know karely.....

and you interrupt him prolly first and only time that you did.....

and tell him it wasnt bout not in love thing that you liked listening to it.....

and just by your voice gets off and loosk at you holding your face away and that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel like always when he used to live your epression in moments like those it wasnt bout just seeing you it was more bout reading your state of mind reading you out screening you out kinda beauuuuuuuuuuty of those moments.....

and you hide away in him andtell him it makes the missing better when he was away in bombay.....

and pulls you away from him and then watches your face again and that smileeeeeee that khushiiiiiiiii on his face is when you know like everything else bout you he did get this one too witout you having to put it in words.....

it was more bout missing him in hmmmm ways that sort of this track made it better.....

strangely weirdly it used to !!

and the way this thing he loved doing even days after this incident gets off to get smthing or anything at all standing walking  towards you from a distance.... and that one look at you like look you in the eye and wlak upto you.... and soo n as he gets in that one line so not in love and tells you nobody ever looked at me the way you do it makes me feel like am all you wanna see.....

and again that exct same thing you see him live him and theers not a single frame outside of him that you would wanna glance at even for a sec.....

it was that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful pulll like being connected pulled towards him no matter how far he would stand or doing smthing talking to someone over the fone like you just live him and that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel like the stare just held like you yourself being held by him wihout him even knowing bout it.....

like you cant move look away or wanna look away, just that pullll closer to him connected to him in themost beauuuutiful of ways.....

its teh waaaay he would keep sayign how you look at him the way you look at him even while driving but charlie there was thatbeauuuuuuuuuty of him.....

when he is least awar eof himself to live those moments live those details of his......

like there were  those him loving you moments talking to you but those are being self aware the ones where he is upto smthing walking back on the fone driving around people is when you lived him loved him all the more.......

to just live him when he is least aware of himself to just live that beauuuuuuuuuuty of every single smthing anything of his......

making you more his making you love him more making you realize what and how much he was changing you changing yoru life your moments your definition of love your definition of senses of all the senses smell touch see listen feel transforming all of those away just by his presence without him even being aware of it.....

you could never tell him what and how much you just loooooooooooved living his presence but not that he dint know of it .......

its just the waaaaaaaaay he is when he is not aware toooo his lilst of details his frowns his smilesss his anything at alll like literally has a  word of its own.....

like you know still talking to you even if he is walking upto you still talking to you even if he is sharing that one stare with you even of  asec and knowing how you feel when you look back at him......

it used to amaze him why and the way you lived his presence and loved it that much but you could never verbally tell him what and how much it meant t oyou......

cause it was changing you and HOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW !!!!!!!!!!!!

this one track after years prollyyy yesterday when you were having coffee at this place closeby to the studio and this track plays initially it dosnt really ting you it was the same song......

that same feeeeeeeling of familiar clos your eyes and the second time it plays with are you ready is when you see him..... like from there on that moment on it all starts......

its like any song of his sort of unfolds him away and howwwwwww !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jsut withthe sound......

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