Tuesday 26 November 2019

Magic 2 !!

soooooooooo yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!

where to whereeeeee again only it went !!!!!!!!!!

the dream...

asleep and this sound of his voice talking smthing constantly.....

like you could just hear his voice not really the words.....

and you try to smell your way through that one beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of his presence that you can smell through..... and you try to follow the lil trail of his smell like you just move closer to where you could smell his presence the most so you know now you are closest to him...

and the sec you find that place and slowly without moving much try to look for him with your hand....

and that one touch that one sec of finding his presence his legs it was that close to you and you just be feeling the baal on his legs, again one of your most loved things to do with him.... to just feeeeeel his presence doing that !!!!!

just that smthing that used to make you the happiest along with the other things too obvsly !!!!!

sooooooooooo yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!

mind diversion !!!!!!!!!!!

back to the legs.......

as you feel his presence and just stay and he moves a lil more closer to you and holds your other hand.... and gets back to talking to you and you just be and make those hmm sounds like no word nothing just the sound so he knows you ar elistening....

still not sure what it was bout what he was talking bout but that whole beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful vibe of those few mins.....

to just feeeeeeeeeeel just touch his him presence to just know he was there talking to you wanting to talk to you wanting to let you touch him feel his presence to just be there with you wanting to be there close closer to you just that vibe charlie jst that realization even be it for the dream - WORLD LIFE i say !!!!!!!!!!!

like you keep moving dheere dheere closer to him and that peace calm comfort that you felt just being close to him to jus feel his presence hear his voice saying smthing to you that dint make sense thoguh cause not a single word that you could hear but just that sound of his voice and that touch of his presence and you almost wake up making those still hmm sounds as if you were listening to him talk.....

you make the sound wake up to the sound of the alarm.... the very first thing like always look for him cause you could still smell his presence like always again.....

around you, around the room to that realization again.....

never putting the alarm again !!

that beauuuuuuuuuuty of that dream there was nothing and yet everything, cause there was that feeeeel of his presence that feeeeeel of him wanting to be with you.....

and you alone know what that means to you, meant to you !!

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