Thursday 14 November 2019

some sounds...!

isnt it beautiful how some sounds sort of can consume you in the most beautifully painful way !!

if that even makes sense.....

not sure what or how it was or to even call it the most beautiful coincidence...

but to you in that moment it meant the world.....

not a love song not anything or not sure what it even was bout.....

but in that moment it just felt like he was there with you in that very moment with you.....

like just there !!!!!!!!!!

its been bad not like you are unhappy or smthing as you are too caught up with setting up the studio hell lotta work still to be done and yet there was that weird feeeeeeel in your gut that you culd feel that strong.....

just that need.....

just to be cared for and bout !!

donno why or how you felt that way for the first time and right then this beauty happens of his music...

and it suddenly soothes all of you away and HOW !!!!!!!!!!

like the inside of you that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifully calm it was hurting in the most beautiful way.....

with just a tear but strangely that one beautiful calm it overfilled you up with.....

like there and then just that beuatifully touched by him...

looking up at these flock of birds and this one bird not sure if it was the same one or not but the way this one bird was flying different than the rest....

like the others flying cause they are meant to like their purpose to fly.....

but this one bird just like Him...... the most beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful human bird.....

this one bird today flaps the wings and then takes that one beauuuuuuuuuutiful sway across the sky in one wave like pattern like without moving or flapping the wings just that one beauuuuutiful sway wave like across the sky.....

like you living the flight it was on....

and then after that wave, flaps the wings once or twice and then again takes that one bigger wave like sway across the sky......

like you could almost feel it live enjoy that flight to the most.....

different than the rest......

just like him like no other in the world.....

and that need to hear him tabhi k tabhi and the sec you get on his other page this one beauty of his sound.......

like after his dreams that restlessness of not being able to make sense of it and yet cant help but go with it.... just cause thats how strong his presence in the dream made you feel !!

to this day today when last few days that badly wanting to be cared bout and this song happens today......

smtimes you just donnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo what or how but is the way it is...!

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