Tuesday 26 November 2019

The Him in zillion ways...

from saying a no to that random jacket to that need to jsut be away jsut so you could live him more.....

get away and on your way home from that moment to seeing those boards of his name again and trying to learn how to write his name in telgu....

to finding this song today.....

and this realization occuring reoccuring for teh zillionth time....

you dont just miss his love miss him but miss every bit of him, miss him in any and every way possible...

everything bout him, all of him !!!!!!!!!!

to that moment of living that mad weird moment inside and wondering how he did change you you changed with him after all... when a very normal and yet weird advert tag line makes you wanna share it with the only one you ever would.....

we experienced ripe papaya for teh first time... for some holiday or smthing it was bout !!!!!

the tag line as you read sounded way more dirty than it sounds now as you write it out.....

and the only name only person that rings through you that very sec as you find it weirdly dirty and absurd with the picture and their whole expression with that bold tag line under the advert - Him.....

is when you also realize how much he did change you after all !!

like the only one you could just be yourself with.....

the only one that knew you like nobody ever did.... not even your mom who thinks she knows you the most and the best and everytime she says that that one nod that comes fataaak seee saying yeah right !!!!!!

the only one youve been yourself with, again not intentionally but the way he just used to bring that actual you out and how with him.....

soooooooooooooo yahhhh !!!!!!!!

to this song today on your way to the studio that you get notification of on youtube or mail it was smthing.... of the new coldplay track....

and the title as much as you wanted to avoid but that need to give it a listen as it was coldplay after all !!

and the sec it plays shut your eyes away and the only one person that you could think feel see was Him...

there is that much hate pain complains why you feeling everytime this one word - daddy father that you anyway come across....

and then there are moments when you feel responsible for almost everything like you know be the man in the house kinda responsible with that hint of smthing if only there was that person who could take care of it instead you having to do it all.....

there is that line between being responsible independent which is great is the best feeling but there is also that need to know you got someone you know specially for a daughter you have your dad kinda thing to still take care of you.....

off late that feeling like never before....

and you donno know why if its the dad thing or just the care bit that you miss in life.....

more now.....

and this one song as it plays through shutting your eyes away and play it on loop with every piano and heart beat note theres him.....

visuals of him holding your back through the crowd on the way out from movie guiding you keeping you holding you safe and away from the touch of teh others....

to knowing just by the sound of your voice that youve had some bad dream as you answer his call late at nite back then.... this one time when you were asleep and he calls you real late from bombay and you answer his call at the very first ring and the same second he dosnt say  a word and then tells you how happy he is feeling right now and you ask him why or smthing and he asks you instead if you had a dream or smthing cause you dint sound okay.....

not sure if you did have one or maybe just the ringer shook you or smthing in sleep but you not sounding okay becomes more important to him than sharing why he was happy and more so just by the sound of your voice just a hi or smthing it must have been but he just knew you woke up with a shake or smthing.....

to just peeling off the dry skin off your nose when you had cold back then like he just looks at you as you talk smthing just before getting off the car and holds your face mid conversation and smiles that smileeeeeeeeeeee and gently pulls off that dry skin off your nose that embarrasses you as he does but him having his happy moment doing that too.....

as you tell him what if it was it waskhachra or smthing and him still smiiiiiiling as he gently pulls it off.....

moments like these a zillion more when he would get mad at you correcting you over smthing or just tell you bout how not to put the pink lipcolor or just general talks to be this to be that to make smthing out of your passion for drawing......

to just finding him knowing you more than you knew yourself to just finding him love you more than your mom ever did or your father.....

to just finding that dad father in him that you lost growing up....

as a kid your father was everything to you meant everything to you someone you loved the most but growing up understanding seeing knowing things you did eventually realize your mom always filled up for your father.... cause your dad was never there !!!!!

never really the dad that you thought you had !!!!!

to years later this one guy walks into your life and gives you back what you had lost waaaay back then..... in the waaaaaaaay exaaaaactly in the way maybe the best waaaaaaaay possible the dad love that you never had felt or experienced.....

to just know you had him finally to just know there was that dad in him amongst the zillion other things that you loved him for..... there was that dad in him that you had found that loved you more than you wished for as a kid......

there are zillion ways charlie i miss him his presence his voice his smell his touch his chummi his hugs to hide away in his friendship his madness his innocence his wilderness literally and there is that dad in him too that you miss along with the others.....

that one place in your life !!!!!!!!!!!

soooooooooo yahhhhhhh this song today gives you that sense of healing......

cause you dint hurt or feel that sense of ache with bitter feeling of the word daddy.... but the waaaaaaaay there was all him that you could feel miss live as you listen to it....

smthings you just donnooooooo are just beyond you.....

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