Saturday 17 August 2019

Wand of hope!!!!!

whn  you are ay toooo high n this one thing to rite out somting!!!!!!!

be it a wod bhiiii for all tht has been felt !!!!!!!!!

cos chaleeieee thers noting wors than nt bein able to share wen u hve been hurt the final most tim ever in ur life........ n then to nte be blaable to sya it out hw it felt wht it felt lik is prleeoy the wost feeelin eveeer.....

as poitless as tis feeeels exctly wht n hw it feeels lik.........

kabiii hoaa ni bassss nikaaaal den andaaaaaar se.... if nt allll kuccchhh thooo bi..... 

beeen runing chasing thi one light one very beautifulee light tht did draw u to him...... like this one liteee dooorseee makin you chase run wait aftr it.... n you run you chsseee you wait you just gooo alng with the liteee even if u cud onleee see it dooorsee still u go alongg wit it.....

cos that sll it made u wannaaa dooo feel like live like.....

just gooo alng wit it....

wit tht sor of wand of hope in hand.....

mayb somdya ull reach the lite..... maybe somday ull finaly meet the litee.....

reach the lite.....

n suddeeeenly u reach a box wit reach the end of the tunnnel path walkwya u wer runing though and on to reach the liteee.......

n u relize all that time u spenn tring to reach the lteee hopin to meeet the lite is all was all pointless....

cos thers no lite aftrall....

thers nobody ther.....

it was jst u all tht while.....

thinkin it to be ur lite tht u wud reach somday touch somday meet somday........

ther was no lite aftrll......

thers nobdy ther.....

stnding ther wit the wand in hand wondring what it ws even abt.....

all this wile......

thers no lite aftral.....

leving the wnd away !!!!!!!!!!!!

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