Thursday 29 August 2019

Visuals, films!!

like just by that one scene you sure knew this movie is going to be all mush and that was smthing you werent prepared for or wnated to watch any of it....

and yet there was that strange pull again that felt familiar to watch it anyway and after much confusion and unsureness finally give in....

right through the film there were a zillion moments from that way of pulling her by jeans closer and that very thing right at the start at the gym when you busy with some arm or some workout and he wanted all your attention not some part of it but all your attention the waaaay ekdum see he would pull your t shirt away and say smthing as you turn and this was when just friends and only after pulling you away does he realize what he just did.... and you adjust your tee and look around and then just walk away....

cause it felt different felt for the first time suddenly being that close to him and that feeling....

and the waaaaay after sometime he would somehow walk upto you and apologize for the same saying he was that used to with his sister with the same way and for the first  time did that with someone else....

there was that beauty charlie like ever since the start itself there was that thing bout him the way he usedto be with you like from the very start there was that thing like he could with you like he dint have to ask you or smthing but just could be anyway he wanted to with you..... like he just could !!

and the waaaaay he talks bout it looking yaha waha that one adoooooooooorable face was only the start of living that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of his in moments like those..... like lil did you know you would get to live that one same expression of his doing things saying things and then realizing after doing that he shouldnt have and that one face he used to make the way that day it just made you that happy just watching his face in that moment....

where he was indirectly apologizing for doing smthing but instead there was you that happy just by living that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of his !!!!!!

to that one same thing becoming a habit of his once in love pulling you closer by yoru clothes.... like wouldnt hold your hand or arm to pull you closer but with whatever you are wearing suddenly pull you closer with that..... an dthis he does again after the breakup for the first time in now you can say it the last meet....

now when you dont have to struggle with calling it as your recent meet....

soooooooooooooo yahhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in that meet at his other place when you come back to his room from washroom or smthing and you just standing by the bed with him still sitting and you looking for your fone or smthing it was looking yaha waha and the waaaaaaaay he ekdum see holds your jeans away and pulls you closer.....

that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling that one moment like you living a moment in thepresence in your mind go back to those zillion times he did the same bck then....

like you that lost in the moment him asking you why were you wearingsuch a loose jeans and still talking smthing bout it you just liivng him in that moment of holding yoru jeans away and close to him....

the waaaaaaaay he was just holding it and complaining bout why dont you get it fixed or smthing and you jus that lost in him and in that moment.....

and only when he looks up watches you that lost in him that one nod that one smiileeeeeeeee of his !!!!!!!!!!!!!

skipping the next and the rest awaay............

smthinsg you write and this sudden feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling it fills up with !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

moments !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

exactly whyyyyyyyyyy you keep off from writing aaj kal cause one word of him one moment of him and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay it all just starts to flow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

even the ones you refrain from reliving and hoping you dont remember them either !!!!!!!!!!!

howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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