Thursday 29 August 2019

SOME habits !!!!!!!!

some habits you can never get over !!!!!!!!!

this sudden misseeeing and that need to see him and this one switch back to the reality....

some words forget us !!!!!!!!!

and this sudden blankness !!!!!!!

i swear charlie if it wasnt for the waaaaaaaaaay he came in the dream the waaaaaaaay the complete vibe of that dream was you wouldnt be here writing !!!!

cause this is one biggest change you are working on yourself !!!!!

to miss him to relive his details when you miss him but stay away reliving the us moments...... reliving the togetherness !!!!!!!!

that one thing you are still working on staying away from reliving....

again smthing that itself still made your life feel complete.....

but maybe he knew thats only how maybe youll stay away from him.... if you forget or at least stay away from missing the us !!

sooooooooooooo yahhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!

there were many moments and again now most of which you just wanna skip away from writing.....

to this one moment when the girl says to the guy that the guy dint even remember her for the last three years that the guy dint meet her....

and to which the guy just walks out with that flashback of moments through that travel of the guy where the guy was documenting each n every day every moment talking bout places in dark places anywhere and everywhere that the guy missed her presence with....

like as if the though the guy was talking to her in those places bout how much he was missing her....

and thise whole tape thing the girl only much later on listens to as he gives it to her saying if she ever feels alone or scared or misses the guy in her life to listen to it....

that one chat when he sees you missed him that much as you cry out yur missing the very first sec you see him on skype.... the way he says sending some song to listen to his song when you miss him and find him close to you..... everywhere !!!!!!1

and that very sec the sec he says it like he just always like everything els eknew which word of his could just stop you from crying like that one word of his one elaboration of that song and you fataaak se stop crying and end up laughing away at his sudden loveness face !!!!

the story was more bout the guy being there for her with her even as she fights depression and that one line the guy says to her parents bout how they could not know their own daughter well enough to give her the right treatment instead of leaving her at the asyllum....

again the same line when he gets angry and upset over you not eating in that fight with your mom bout having said smthing to him....

and the way feeding you away say show can they not see how happy you are how much in love we are....

how can they not see this what we share.....

and through that journey of healing her the guy familiarizes her with sounds that the guy loved.....

smthings like they may seem nothing at all now as you write it but as you watch those very scenes this one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of him !!!!!!!!!!

like how lilst of things was that strongly making you feel his presence those lilst of moments....

like you try to make sense of scenes cause the subtitles kept going on n off but the waaaaay it was making you feel even without the subtitles like that alone was enough for you to feeeeeeeeeel that beauuuuuuuuuty of Him through those moments....

like smthings directly dont have to connect like ditto to ditto but that vibe of some visuals some momemts and the waaaaaaaaaaaay it was making you live him as you watch the film.....

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