Tuesday 27 August 2019

Cut the tie off !!

a few mins or smthing later get on whatsapp again to read him and for the first time he actually dint block you and was still online and you did decide many things by then and first and most important one to set him free.....

block him and get off !!

on your way back home the next one cut the tree charm off your wrist after almost two years.....

and see this one thick dark tan line that stayed on....

the way it felt like the second breakup this time !!

even writing it now this feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling exactly why you did stay off writing......

not wanting to write this feeeeeling out of your mind......

but well now it just is flowing with the words and the state of mind that it did land you back in.....

one thing charlie one very imp thing that one must always live life with is no matter how perfect complete something feels one must always be prepared for it to change.... be it places emotions or people, they will always change, no matter what you do say or feel....

change is one thing you cant do anything bout and is a fact that one must always be prepared for in life no matter how complete something feels like......

it can change is a fact one must always be prepared ready for !!

cause when you dont expect foresee or be prepared for that massive change and then experience it the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaays it can break and transform you make you bitter is smthing beyond !!

bitter bout love n many things !!

once home that need to just be on your own and luckily that evening mom being out for some pooja at the neighbours you had that evening nite to yourself.....

be in your place his music playing loudest and just be......

its that storm of things that your mind gets swayed away with....

and the way it keeps coming back to what all of that even was bout why feel so much dream so much live that much when it was nothing at all but your mind alone.....

like you tick off all those songs that you thought could be for you cause it felt somebody elses.....

and stick with the ones that were once for you....

the way suddenly it was like moving yourself away from everything you thought was for you or was yours.....

on your way back the way this one habit for years now of looking at his places every day be it that gym ki turning bake house his reliance web world corner king horn now not there with some other store stadium doorse like to just see his places and feel him for that one sec bhi.... like it did become your habit to just live him for that slightest sec bhi just passing by and watching his places and living him in those corners....

but from that day on you try not to look cause when you do that one echo of his words please forget us echoes through you.....

like you are literally struggling to pull yourself away from what you thought was yours....

like you know all ofthise all thsie while was just your mind but whoo hotaa nai charlie if a reality feels bitter you rather stick to that feeling that makes that bitter feel better.....

bas all this while woich horaa thaa....

and ab suddenly you had to train yourself your mind to not even feel live it that way.....

training yourself to forget him from wanting him in those corners  too.....

cutting the tie off literally !!!!!!

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