Thursday 29 August 2019

Making her stronger!

from the many things this one too....

making her stronger with the guys love....

like makes her realize and go after her ambition and tells her that th eguy is with her on this....

again smthing he unknowingly did.....

the first talk back of yours the first breaking of your fear from talking whats right did happen after breakup...... and despite of his absence in your life his love still there with you making you stronger.....

when that man says smthing bout him and abuses and you just ask that man to not a say word against him be it before you or behind you nothing no one says a word against him or bout him ever again....

and that makes a lot of changes which eventually lead to yoru decision bout either it would that man or you under the same roof....

to the many other decisions that you made it very clear even with your mom and people around....

this is the life you will lead and this is your decision...

like there was that one you that completely different back then and it was that same love of his that you still dint know of that made you take that decision of not getting married and instead call it off.... even though everybody else wanted you to there was that smthing that you already shared wth him....

and thats how you wnated to be and stay as with what and how you felt for him....

to the many decisions that happened after and through every discussion no matter what it is this one thing you will be this way and lead this way of life from here on....

this one thing charlie now that even he asked you to leave him forget bout him and all of that !!!!!!!

this one thing you cant change even if you try to.....

like its not smthing upto you !!!!!!

any more.....

not even if he wants you to !!!!!!

its strange to think of it all now this change in yoru life was smthing you never imagined back then - of all the things not being loved by him not having his love not being with him was smthing you never imagined back then....

but now that it is the way it is its his side of love that has changed yours still remains the same.....

how do you change that just cause he decided to change his....

all these years it wasnt bout loving him to some day get that love back from him....

it was it is just cause you donno anyother way but this way of life and love... Him !!

so from here on it will be that thing bout living him with eyes shut and then working on your work and what comes with it....

the way some movies make you feel like a flashback of your own life in some instances....

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